Study Youth Unemployment in Times of Crises in the EU 27
Article Digital certification of competences for lifelong learning
Article Bologna Digital - Background paper
Study Adult education and Innovation
Book chapter Revisiting Student Performance as a Cornerstone of Higher Education: How is Student Performance Reflected in Performance-Based Funding?
Book chapter A Typology of Admission Systems Across Europe and Their Impact on the Equity of Access, Progression and Completion in Higher Education
Book chapter Higher education funding in the context of competing demands for government expenditure
Article Digitalisation as powerful means for the Bologna Process in European higher education to meet its goals
Book Models for online, open, flexible and technology-enhanced higher education across the globe – a comparative analysis
Blog post Incomplete recognition of people’s talents
Blog post Incomplete recognition of people’s talents
Position paper Bologna digital
Dissertation Teacher’s trust
Study Study on the impact of admission systems on higher education outcomes
Book chapter Changing the Mindset
Review International perspectives on higher education admission policy
Review Students, Markets and Social Justice
Book chapter Die OECD-Studie „Open Educational Resources – a Catalyst for Innovation"
Book Monitoring Cross-Country Performance in Equality of Access and Affordability of Tertiary Education
Book chapter Performance-based funding of universities in Germany