Lecture Dr. Dieter Dohmen at the DAAD's virtual theme round: Digital teaching as the new "standard"
Lecture Lifelong Learning in universities
Lecture Effects of digitalisation on adult education and training
Lecture Digitalisation in Industrialised Countries - Opportunities and Societal Challenges for Higher Education
Lecture Workshop: Tell us how you recognize. Understanding how recognition processes operate and how to improve/open them
Lecture Making future skills visible: Opportunities and challenges of using badges to document future key competences at German universities
Lecture The Pacific Alliance: An agenda for cooperation with observer members - Vocational education and training for inclusive development and integration into global value chains
Lecture The Education System in Germany: With a special focus on school education
Lecture Insights into the Professional Practice of Social Scientists
Lecture Developing skills and competencies for life and work – what is the role of digital technologies?
Lecture FiBS Research Institute for the Economics of Education and Social Affairs - Who we are and what is our mission?
Workshop New sources of funding for education
Lecture Markets in education
Adult learning and education (ALE) funding and participation in Germany - A (relatively) comprehensive picture
FiBS Research Institute for the Economics of Education and Social Affairs - Who we are and what is our mission?
Lecture Open Educational Resources – Activities and Strategies in the International Environment
Introduction to the track: Social dimension
A typology of admission systems across Europe and their impact on the equity of access, progression and completion in higher education
Lecture Analysing the living expenses of students on the basis of the Social Survex, the Survey of Income and Expenditure (EVS) and the German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP)
Models for Online, Open, Flexible and Technology Enhanced Higher Education – Results of a global analysis