
Making future skills visible: Opportunities and challenges of using badges to document future key competences at German universities

Making future skills visible: Opportunities and challenges of using badges to document future key competences at German universities

Making future skills visible: Opportunities and challenges of using badges to document future key competences at German universities




Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main

What skills will be needed in the labour market of the future?

In the context of the discussion on digitisation and automation in the labour market, this debate is reigniting. Under the assumption that digitisation is progressing rapidly and that this will lead to a transformation in the workplace, competences in particular will gain new relevance that cannot be replaced by automation. Whether someone has these competences, however, is often only inadequately apparent from the classical formal certification at university level. This problem is the reason for a more difficult transition between higher education and the labour market, because employers cannot sufficiently recognise which key competences of the future people will have.

The workshop contribution presents the application of badge technologies to make future skills visible, as they are currently being defined step by step by various actors, for discussion and aims to lay the foundation for a new initiative in Germany.
