6 running Projects // 131 Projects in total
Quality of all-day programmes at schools in the state of Brandenburg
How can educational opportunities in North Rhine-Westphalia be improved? Consequences of Corona
Study The first Deutsche Telekom trainee study: Be A Future Maker study for Deutsche Telekom
Study Performance-related remuneration and pension provision for childminders as a contribution to recruiting skilled workers
Exploring RECO - Exploring training and skill demands in the renewable energy sector in Colombia
Evaluation of teacher training in North Rhine-Westphalia
Brief analysis of Bavarian higher education policy
Unesco YEM Skills Panaroma
Development of daycare places in Berlin and identification of needs for action (FiBS-RILLL gGmbH)
Evaluation Expert report on the evaluation of the effects of the KiTaG - Lot 1: ‘Structure and finances’
Income of Students
Conducting and evaluating a representative survey among adolescents and young adults as part of the project "The Future of Education"
Projection Projecting school teacher requirements in Hesse until 2030
Study Impact Assessment – Effects of an EU initiative on Individual Learning Accounts
Impact evaluation of the Academy for Innovative Education and Management (aim) / suggestions for future work
mpact evaluation of the ‘Subjective relevance (SuRe) online’ project
Erarbeitung einer Systematik zur leistungsgerechten Ausgestaltung der Vergütung von Kindertagespflegepersonen – Analyse bestehender Vergütungsmodelle
Skills and Qualifications for Sustainable Mining in Chile
Funding Framework of the National Training Fund in Namibia
Entrepreneurial and Digital Skills Mainstreaming in TVET Curricula in the MENA Region