
(A) Higher Education Digital (AHEAD) - International Horizon-Scanning / Trend analysis on digital higher education

(A) Higher Education Digital (AHEAD) - International Horizon-Scanning / Trend analysis on digital higher education

(A) Higher Education Digital (AHEAD) - International Horizon-Scanning / Trend analysis on digital higher education




Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH


Institute for Higher Education Development (HIS-HE)

AHEAD undertakes a systematic analysis of current trends and future demands on higher education in the areas of knowledge and competence requirements and examines the latest developments in learning theory, didactics and digital education technology against the background of an (increasingly) digitised higher education. The analysis provides the basis for a horizon scanning for higher education in 2030, which develops future scenarios that exploit social and digital innovations to meet future demands on higher education. The project is carried out by a project consortium led by Dr. Dominic Orr and supported by an international advisory committee.


Executive summary


Project consortium / project team:

  • Dr. Dominic Orr, FiBS Research Institute for the Economics of Educational and Social Affairs, Berlin: (Project Management)
  • Katrin Schulze, FiBS Research Institute for the Economics of Educational and Social Affairs, Berlin:
  • Dr. Klaus Wannemacher, HIS-HE Institute for Higher Education Development, Hanover:
  • Dr. Maren Lübcke, HIS-HE Institute for Higher Education Development, Hanover:
  • Priv.-Doz. Dr. Martin Ebner, Graz University of Technology:
  • Markus Ebner, Graz University of Technology:
  • Philipp Schmidt, Massachusetts Institute of Technology:

International Advisory Board

  • South Korea: Prof. Ki-Sang Song, Director of the Institute "Computers in Education", Korea National University of Education.
  • Norway: Dr. Elisabeth Hovdhaugen, Senior Researcher at the Nordic Institute for Studies in Innovation, Research and Education. Netherlands: Dr. Fred de Vries, Program Director Digital Education at Saxion University of Applied Science.
  • USA and Canada: Mr. Alex Usher, President of Higher Education Strategy Associates
  • United Kingdom: Prof. Martin Weller, Professor of Educational Technology, Teaching and Learning Innovation and Director of the Open Education Research Hub at the Open University, UK.
  • World Bank: Dr. Nina Arnhold, senior education specialist at the World Bank
  • Germany: Dr. Ingo Rollwagen, professor for management in creative and knowledge industries at the Fresenius University of Applied Sciences