1 Projects // 101 Projects in total
Study Demand-driven funding of adult learning
Evaluation Lifelong Learning Programme – Interim Evaluation
Studie Künftige Perspektiven für das Studium an den Universitäten der Bundeswehr
Study Implications of staggered higher education curricula for Germany's innovative capability - Qualitative analysis of study curricula in Germany
Projection Regionalised projection of student numbers and qualified workers in Saxony
Evaluation Evaluating the Berlin teaching practice (second phase of teacher training)
Evaluation Pilot study for a comprehensive evaluation of the BMBF talent program in the program field "Professional Talents"
Study Theory and practice of incentive schemes and control systems with regard to improving teaching
Study Analysing potential models and developing an education savings scheme
Expert assessment Ensuring participation by means of high-quality and well-developed education and care infrastructure - Costs and benefits of selected reform schemes
Study Private options of financing preventive education reforms
Expert assessment Development status, potential and future strategies of virtual teaching and learning in German schools as reflected in international concepts and experience
Study Developing a methode to analyse the data and potential of scientific-technical fields of innovation
Study Demographic change and employability
Demand for daycare
Project Demand, costs and funding of expanding day care for under-three-year-olds
Report University profiles and initiatives as economic and innovative drivers. Strategies and their implementation for structure and excellence formation by universities in the East German states
Study Educational funding overall account - Conceptual basis for a calculation model to identify the fiscal effects of interventions in the education system
Study Competitive Funding of Schools Using the Example of Baden-Wuerttemberg
Market potential and business models for e-learning in German higher education