The Education System in Germany - With a special focus on Technical and Vocational Education and Training
OER for TVET and skills development in life and work
ICT for a Future Proof TVET: Opportunities and Challenges
Skills for the digitalised economy and the role of TVET
Open Educational Resources for Schools – Integral Part of the Digital Agenda
Open Educational Resources for Schools – Integral Part of the Digital Agenda
Open Educational Resources in Higher Education - Why?
Lecture Preschool Funding in Germany: Expert Report on Behalf of the BMFSFJ for the Working Group "Early Education"
Lecture OER – Many questions, clear answers?
Lecture Adult Learning as a driver for growth and innovation
Lecture University Autonomy in Germany: Development, Status and Analysis
Workshop The Educational Potential of OER - The Challenge(s)
How to measure the use of OER and its impact?
Lecture Innovative Funding of Higher Education in the 21st Century
Lecture Barriers to and Funding of Further Education in Europe
Lecture The role of adult learning for innovation and growth
Lecture Performance-based funding in universities in Germany
Lecture Education costs for parents in the whole education system
Lecture Further education for vulnerable groups - barriers and the role of funding
Lecture What do we know about tutoring? The current state of the academic debate